Dr. Georg Kalhammer

Dipl.-Biochem., Patentanwalt, Partner
European Patent and Trademark Attorney

European Patent and Trademark Attorneys

Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 15
80539 Munich
T +49 89 29060 - 0
F +49 89 29060 - 111
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SAFE-ID: DE.Justiz.29fa92ca-e7ba-47a8-b92f-74b2d73fbf7d.b5a3


Dr. Georg Kalhammer studied biochemistry and worked for one year at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry. He made his PhD in the field of cell biology and genetic engineering. He qualified as German Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney in 2002 and became a partner of the firm in 2005.

Dr. Kalhammer has particular experience in biotechnology, genetic engineering and pharmaceutical chemistry. For example, he handled cases concerning antibodies, RNA interference, blood coagulation factors, diagnostic assays and plant biotechnology, as well as small molecules. He specializes in prosecution, opposition and appeal proceedings before the EPO.

In his spare time Dr. Kalhammer enjoys various outdoor activities in the mountains.


Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
Patentanwaltskammer (German Patent Attorneys′ Association)
German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright (GRUR)
International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)

Our attorneys
and patent

We are your experienced partners in every major field of technology. Our patent attorneys and professionals are chemists, biochemists, biologists, pharmacists, physicists and engineers.

Our goal is to further improve on this already high standard and continue to offer our clients first-class service.

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